Helping Preschoolers Learn and Grow


Being unable to attend playgroups and mingle with other children in a child development center doesn’t mean that your child’s socio-emotional development is stunted.

Healthy social-emotional development of a child is still possible with responsive caregiving. You can help your child learn and grow by talking, reading, singing, and playing together every day.

Here are some activities that you can do at home or in day care in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for your preschool child:

  • Work with your child in solving problems when they are upset.
  • Talk about their emotions and help them process their feelings by encouraging them to identify what they feel.
  • Set rules for your child and be sure to stick to them. If your child breaks one of your rules, give them a short time out, and don’t forget to praise them after for following your instructions.
  • Read to them every day and encourage participation by asking questions or having them repeat the words you read.
  • Play matching or counting games inside and outside your home. Also, allow them to play freely without structured activities to encourage creativity.

Creative Beginnings provide and support responsive caregiving through purposeful play, provision of stimulating materials, sharing of events and experiences, as well as letting children lead and supporting their interest in learning. For more information about us and our childcare services in South Carolina, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’d be happy to answer all your queries.

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