What Is Parallel Play and Why Is It Important

What Is Parallel Play and Why Is It Important

As soon as children reach one year old, you may start noticing them starting to play happily with the other children in day care in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They are either invited to play by their peers or invite others themselves. This behavior is called parallel playing and is very important for your child’s development.

How does parallel play benefit toddlers? Here are the benefits the little ones can enjoy:

  • Gross and fine motor skill development
    Playing can engage a child’s body and mind. Every activity can help finetune a child’s fine motor skills.
  • Language development
    Since the child is playing with other people, verbal communication is definitely unavoidable. They can talk with their peers they are playing with or with the staff of the childcare services in South Carolina who is watching over them.
  • Understanding social interactions
    The child will learn how to interact with their peers, which is greatly useful in developing their social skills.
  • Learn the value of sharing
    Playing with peers means sharing toys. It is also the best time to teach the little ones how to play without eyeing other children’s toys.
  • Learning to express their feelings and desires within boundaries
    Playing can evoke a lot of emotions in children – frustration, happiness, sadness, or simple silliness. Learning how to express feelings within the boundaries helps form a responsible individual.

Creative Beginnings is a child development center dedicated to promoting better growth and development for children. Kindly give us a call if you have questions about our services.

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